Respecting Families Nurtures Everyone!
An elementary school lesson plan for The Different Dragon
Prepared by GLSEN, the Gay Lesbian & Straight Education Network,
Age Level: 4-8
Grade Level: PreK–3
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Students will learn about respect, the importance of listening, and will share personal stories and hear about different types of families. These all help young people build the capacity to respect one another for similarities as well as for their differences.
60 minutes (total) broken into blocks of three timed activities.
- The Different Dragon by Jennifer Bryan
- Old magazines and newspapers
- Construction paper
- Crayons, pencils, markers
- Scissors
- Glue
Read (Time: 15 minutes)
Read the story The Different Dragon by Jennifer Bryan to your class.
Speak (Time: 15 minutes)
Say to your students:
In the story, we learn that Noah has two mothers named Momma and Go-Ma, a younger sister named Clair, two cats named Zoe and Diva, a gerbil named Rex and some fish named Jonah, Scoopy and Tiny all as part of his family. What an incredible family indeed! I want each of you to work with a partner. You will listen to your partner and learn about your partner’s family and switch and tell your partner about your family.
Ask your students the following questions:
- How is Noah’s family the same as your family? Do you have any pets? How many brothers and sisters do you have or are you an only child?
- How is Noah’s family different from yours?
- In the story Go-Ma told Noah, the dragon seemed very scary at first but Noah was courteous and kind to the dragon. He showed respect by listening to the dragon’s concerns and by not judging. Noah also offered great advice when his friend the dragon needed it most! How would you show respect to the dragon?
- Although Noah’s family may be similar to yours in some ways and different in others, we should always show respect to people. How do you show respect to people who are different from you? How do you want others to treat you and your family?
Play (Time: 30 minutes)
As partners, have students create collages of their family using the newspapers, magazines and other artistic items (e.g., crayons, pencils, markers). Tell them to create a picture of their family based on the description they gave. Allot enough time for students to share their completed collage with the rest of the class.